"Putting a traditional CEO at the front of the modern workforce is anachronistic!"
This past Friday night, I attended Maria Giudice's and Christopper Ireland's book signing at the California College of the Arts. Their book? Rise of the DEO, Leadership by Design. You ask, what is a DEO... Let me tell you. . . Six defining characteristic of a DEO as listed in the book will give you a hint to what is required to empower, engage and get to execution with a co creative team.
1. DEOs are Change Agents. The promote, encourage and champion change. They are at ease with positive deviation and disruption. And know it sets them apart.
2. DEOs are Risk Takers. Ireland and Giudice both early DEOs know that risk is a key ingredient of creativity and an everyday activity. I love they that write, "they recast (risk) as experimentation"
3. DEOs are Systems Thinkers. They are all about understanding the interconnectedness in the world and their organizations. They are naturals at seeing the patterns, links, influences and overlaps in chaotic environments. This has them power up their risk taking and disruptions with consciousness.
4. DEOs are Intuitive. They use intutitive and rational logic for analysis and observation for valid and powerful insights.
5. DEOs are Socially Intelligent. Instinctively connect with others and "prefer to spend time with customers, employees and strangers than equipment , plants and spreadsheets". They have well defined networks.
6. DEOs GSD. They are executors making things happen.
Giudice and Ireland interviewed DEOs to show by example, from Autodesk to TED to Project H and Richshaw Bagworks. I am reading Rise now... will get back to you with my take.